Authors: Noah L. Ryder, PhD1, Stephen J. Jordan1, and Jagruti Mehta2 (1Fire & Risk Alliance, LLC., Derwood, MD, USA, 2NYSEARCH, NGA, Parsippany NJ, USA)
Summary: NYSEARCH, a R&D consortium consisting of gas distribution companies across North America with Fire & Risk Alliance, LLC (FRA) performed experimental and modeling work to study the dispersion of Natural Gas in residential structures. The data from this project is being used by the industry to aid in the development of a detector placement standard to facilitate the deployment of methane detectors. One of the recommendations from the study is to further explore the impact of building leakage and HVAC (Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) on gas concentration throughout the structure volume. In the second phase of the project, with input from NYSEARCH project sponsor(s) and subject matter experts, FRA performed research to examine the dispersion of natural gas within a residential structure with a functioning HVAC system. Testing was completed at the facility with both traditional and open floor plan configurations…
View Full PaperAuthors: Daphne D’Zurko, Executive Director and Joseph Mallia, Senior Project Manager, NYSEARCH
Summary: Starting in 2015, NYSEARCH and a large group of members worked collaboratively and performed formal technology assessments to understand the range of capabilities and limitations of various technologies in quantifying methane emissions for non-hazardous Type 3 leaks. Once measured, if accurate, these emissions measurements would be used to help prioritize the repair of non-hazardous Type 3 leaks. In order to address the LDC application, the technologies needed to be tested to quantify methane emissions flow rates as low as 0.1 SCFH up to greater than 50 SCFH…
View Full PaperAuthors: Noah L. Ryder, PhD1, Stephen J. Jordan1, and Jagruti Mehta2 (1Fire & Risk Alliance, LLC., Derwood, MD, USA, 2NYSEARCH, NGA, Parsippany NJ, USA)
Summary: The natural gas industry, including members of NYSEARCH, has been promoting the use of methane detectors to allay safety concerns of its customers and regulators. Methane detectors are presently mandated by some jurisdictions and more are anticipated to follow. The present study uses physical testing and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to quantitatively evaluate gas detector performance as a function of placement in residential occupancies. NYSEARCH, an R&D consortium consisting of gas distribution companies across North America, has contracted Fire & Risk Alliance, LLC (FRA) to carry out experimental and modeling work to study the dispersion of natural gas in residential structures and use this data to aid in the development of a detector placement standard to improve the deployment of these detectors…
View Full PaperAuthor: Joseph Mallia (NYSEARCH / Northeast Gas Association)
Summary: Gas industry Local Gas Distribution Companies (LDC) continuously pursue efforts to improve efficiencies and thoroughness of inspections and leak surveys. Recognizing the emerging capabilities of small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) or drones, LDCs became interested in developing possible applications for sUAS stable aerial platforms with sensors for inspections and surveys. Concurrently, emergence of smaller, lighter weight and higher sensitivity sensors had become available for practical pairing with these agile sUAS for consideration of routine and emergency inspections and surveys. Initial field testing began with general photography and video capture of LDC-owned above ground assets and infrastructure. Images of once inaccessible pipeline and infrastructure were readily revealed providing insightful results and leading to expanded field trials and broadening sensor trials. Recognizing the value of this new sUAS inspection and survey accessibility, it became evident that going beyond photographs would further enhance the sUAS capabilities by applying advanced sensors for applications of this technology…
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