Overview: NYSEARCH's 2023 Technology Briefs Report hightlights a number of collaborative RD&D projects in all of the following categories:
(1) Emerging Fuels
(2) Reducing Green House Gas Emissions
(3) Improved Installation Maintenance & Repair
(4) Innovations for Pipeline Integrity Direct and Remote Assessment
(5) Leak Detection
(6) Pipe Location
(7) Real Time Sensing & Inspection for Distribution
The Report also features information regarding the benefits members receive from the NYSEARCH/NGA Voluntary RD&D program...
Download Full Report (PDF Format)Description: A project to assess sources of emissions at LDC-owned Regulator Stations and to develop and validate a framework for classifying and then mitigating those emissions.
Description: Develop sUAS technology to perform enhanced leak detection surveys and mechanical integrity inspections for submerged gas pipelines.
Status: Feasibility proven. Ongoing development/testing of the measurement system and technology.
Benefits: NYSEARCH has made investigation of technology to improve leak detection surveys and integrity inspections a research priority. NYSEARCH has invested considerable resources developing sUAS technology applications for enhancing traditional inspections and surveys. Expanding development of sUAS technology into assessing submerged gas pipelines would further the practical capability...
Read More Download PDFDescription: Define and evaluate the impacts of HENG on plant materials and plant operations, and determine potential feedstock pretreatment or hydrogen rejection options.
Status: Thermodynamic analysis of the LNG Plant and materials of construction analysis are complete.
Benefits: This project provides Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) plant operators and decision-makers the ability to ascertain what the best procedures and pretreatment / retrofit options could be. It also provides a technical basis for pursuing rate-recovery for necessary retrofits to meet future feedstock requirements. Also, this project provides operators with access to specific mitigation options that could be applied to their LNG facility...
Read More Download PDFDescription: To develop a new cutting-edge robotics platform and array of sensors capable of navigating 2” and larger polyethelene pipelines and associated features to detect degradation and delamination, and other defects.
Status: Feasibility proven. Final report issued December 2022.
Benefits: With PHMSA’s increased focus on integrity management, the NYSEARCH consortium has invested considerable resources in the development of new non-destructive evaluation (NDE) technology to provide pipeline operators with solutions to efficiently and effectively inspect natural gas pipelines. The benefit of this project is that it provides a new cutting-edge robotics platform and an array of non-destructive evaluation sensors capable of internally inspecting polyethelene pipe, as small as four (4) inches in diameter, to detect internal and external defects, including the potential degradation and delamination in non-conforming Driscopipe® 8000 (NCDP) highlighted in PHMSA’s March 2012 Advisory Bulletin. This in-line inspection (ILI) tool will allow the inspection of NCDP pipes and other PE pipes from the inside over long distances and under live conditions. Such a system will allow the systematic inspection of potentially compromised pipes and the detection of cracking and delamination before they result in gas leaks and potentially catastrophic failure...
Read More Download PDFDescription: A program to develop a new advanced platform that carries a camera, which is capable of navigating two (2) inch polyethelene pipelines and associated features to detect degradation and delamination.
Status: Feasibility proven. Detailed design to be finalized.
Benefits: The development of new non-destructive evaluation (NDE) technologies to inspect natural gas pipelines has been a focus of the NYSEARCH consortium, and its members have invested considerable resources in research, development, and demonstration activities of these technologies to provide pipeline operators with a plethora of solutions to efficiently and effectively inspect natural gas pipelines. The benefit of this project is that it provides a new platform capable of visually inspecting two (2) inch polyethelene (PE) pipe internally to identify internal defects, including potential degradation and delamination, which has been documented to occur in PE pipe installed between 1978 and 1999 that has been subjected to elevated temperature conditions such as those experienced in the south and the desert southwest or the United States. This In-Line Inspection (ILI) tool will allow internal inspection of two (2) inch PE pipe over long distances and under live conditions. This new design will allow the systematic inspection of PE pipes, sometimes in service for over (50) years and provide detailed information over longer inspection distances than what is presently possible. This additional information will provide predictive analytics on fusions on PE pipe as well as straight sections to aid asset management decisions and to expand the proactive pipeline safety management culture that the gas industry wants to advance. Increased range and simplicity will avail more inspections in a range of PE pipes...
Read More Download PDFDescription: Develop technology(ies) to extend the range of the wireless communication of the Explorer series of robots to improve efficiency and productivity of inspections of unpiggable pipelines.
Status: Detailed design complete; Project moving to field testing and initial commercialization.
Benefits: Increasing the range of the Explorer series of robots has been an early target of the NYSEARCH consortium. Having developed a full range of Explorer platforms, having developed a suite of sensors able to detect corrosion defects, cracks, and mechanical damage, and having developed a system to provide additional power to the robot via energy harvesting methods, in recent years, we have focused our efforts on extending the range of the wireless communication system used on the robots. This is the last known barrier to long range operations, significantly higher operational efficiencies, reduced inspection cost, and lower risk inspections...
Read More Download PDFDescription: Identify, investigate and select a non-destructive evaluation (NDE) method to evaluate electrofusion (EF) fittings on polyethelene (PE) pipe joints.
Status: Feasibility of NDE Xray technique proven and endorsed by project funders. Field tests pending.
Benefits The benefit of performing Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) on polyethelene (PE) pipe ElectroFusion (EF) joints is to confirm the internal PE pipe ends and fitting are positioned correctly and to ensure no obvious debris has been embedded within the final joint configuration during the fusion process...
Read More Download PDFDescription: Evaluate and select a non-destructive evaluation (NDE) method to evaluate natural gas transmission pipelines.
Status: Feasibility proven. Field tests pending.
Benefits The benefit of this project is that it allows the development of a new natural gas pipeline Direct assessment (DA) tool for the identification of defects in transmission natural gas pipelines. This method could offer an extended detection length of at least hundreds of meters while providing immunity from background acoustic noise. This tool could provide the industry with a very substantial improvement in DA of natural gas pipelines...
Read More Download PDFDescription: Develop and test an above-ground, self-contained measurement system to detect steel anomalies on transmission pipelines.
Status: Feasibility proven. Ongoing development of the measurement system and technology.
Benefits As more stringent regulations are designed and released to address improvements to pipeline safety in an effort to reduce the frequency of pipeline failures, an increased focus has been placed on pipeline inspection, data acquisition, and analysis to increase safety. The benefit of this project is to provide an optimized system to perform ground-based damage assessments of buried steel trans-mission pipelines with minimal time spent and maximum survey-data analysis to identify potential areas of pipeline deterioration. Identification and remediation of steel transmission pipeline anomalies increase pipeline safety thereby reducing the frequency of pipeline failures...
Read More Download PDFDescription: Evaluate and test the functionality of the UTTO vLocate tool so that it can be used in the natural gas industry as a high accuracy asset capture device to map buried assets and locate them with precision.
Status: Testing feedback of the UTTO vLocate® device has been positive. Final comments are being incorporated into the design.
Benefits If a low-cost high accuracy GPS tool can be developed with the added ability for data capture and precision relocate-ability, it will provide: 1) a tool for efficiently constructing as-built data; 2) a method for use by non-locate and mark personnel, 3) a simpler approach for asset locating (thereby potentially lowering training and on-boarding time), and, 4) an optional solution in cases where traditional locating methods may not be viable...
Read More Download PDFDescription: A project to assess sources of emissions at LDC-owned Regulator Stations and to develop and validate a framework for classifying and then mitigating those emissions.
Status: Following data collection from participating members and site visitation, the classification scheme was established and an emissions ranking tool completed. A holistic measurement approach is being defined to validate the emissions ranking process.
Benefits: A method to consistently assess and standardize the prioritization and measurement of emissions can increase safety by enabling a practical approach for identifying even small methane emissions. The process could also identify large emitters. Reducing emissions improves the environment and demonstrates to gas customers how even the smallest source of emissions are important to eliminate...
Read More Download PDFDescription: To develop a catalyst material that can oxidize methane and hydrocarbons at low temperatures and employ these materials in devices to provide a viable alternative to flaring of natural gas.
Status: In partnership with a methane combustion technology company and a catalyst manufacturing expert, NYSEARCH is working to develop the first catalytic oxidizer device to be tested in controlled field conditions.
Benefits: Flaring of natural gas is a common practice in industry when necessary to depressurize systems and complete blowdowns for maintenance and operations. The result of flaring is the burning or combustion of methane and other natural gas components. Methane emissions reduction has been a key goal for utilities and reducing GHG emissions overall throughout the entire distribution system. Although flaring oxidizes methane, other resultant pollutants are generated from the combustion of methane particularly SOx and NOx...
Read More Download PDFDescription:A technology advancement and test program to increase the probability of detecting otherwise missed leaks while performing traditional walking surveys.
Status: Advancements and trials of various instrument technologies, walking patterns and automated survey location records are being tested in 2021.
Benefits: The benefit of improved effectiveness in a “first pass leak detection” approach is an overall thoroughness and confidence in detecting leaks. With this more aggressive approach, there is also an increased likelihood of capturing more leaks resulting in increased safety. Operators are keen to reduce missed leaks and increase overall pipeline integrity...
Read More Download PDFDescription: A technology automation to compare critical flaw characteristics in PE pipe joint based on established acceptance criteria.
Status: NDE automation using artificial intelligence is being developed to provide pass/fall inspection results based on integrity acceptance criteria of PE pipe butt fusion joints.
Benefits: Automation of a Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) processes that compare joint interrogation results with known acceptance criteria would provide insight to a non-expert NDE inspector deciding to pass or fail a field fabricated joint. An automated algorithm provides a simple pass/fail indication from NDE results that visually indicate the joint integrity (red – probability of failure and green – within acceptable limits)...
Read More Download PDFDescription: A testing program to evaluate impact of emissions from threaded connections with hydrogen blends up to 20% by volume.
Status: Failure rate testing is ongoing with different thread sealant compounds and results are to be analyzed by statistician to provide meaningful conclusions.
Benefits: As decarbonization efforts to prepare and modify natural gas infrastructure are formally beginning, this project addresses the need for data regarding the impacts of alternate fuels on threaded connections. Specifically, the impact of blended hydrogen (up to 20%) is being evaluated to test if any changes are expected in the number of leaks from fittings constructed from joints that meet the NPT thread standard. This test effort builds on earlier phases of another NYSEARCH program, Reducing Emissions at Threaded Connections...
Read More Download PDFDescription: Develop a common engineering design for the RNG interconnection process that could provide utilities and RNG producers significant savings and reduce costs.
Status: The project deliverables, including engineering design package, equipment and instrumentation database, Bill of Materials, and cost estimator have been completed and are being socialized for funders. This product is being considered for sale to non-members on the www.nysearch.org website.
Benefits: As the Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) industry grows and decarbonization efforts remain a high priority for LDC’s, the demand for interconnecting with existing natural gas infrastructure will continue to increase. The benefit of this project is to provide a standard RNG interconnect skid design that could be incorporated by natural gas utility companies to reduce design efforts and cost as they are approached by RNG companies and biogas producers to inject into their existing systems...
Read More Download PDFDescription: A study comprised of a gap analysis followed by laboratory testing to evaluate effects of trace constituents in RNG on gas infrastructure and residential appliances.
Status: The gap analysis is complete with select trace constituents identified for further evaluation of trigger limits and scientific evidence to support specified limits.
Benefits: This project aims to reduce the uncertainties and variation in limits set by different utilities for the trace constituents found in Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) by providing scientific data to back up the trigger limit recommendations. Considering growing demand for RNG production and injection into distribution infrastructure in North America, the testing should help both producers and developers to help determine the optimum upgrading and measurement system for bio-methane. For LDCs, it will aid decision making and help advance specifications to address safety and reliability issues...
Read More Download PDFDescription: A study to determine how blending hydrogen into natural gas will change the gas properties that may influence the flow measurement performance of natural gas flow meters.
Status: Completing laboratory testing to determine the gas properties and metering characterization is ongoing.
Benefits: RNG injection and hydrogen blending in natural gas networks present a valuable solution for decarbonizing traditional energy systems, including heavy industry, heating, power generation, and transport, while enabling the transition to a low-carbon economy. Accurate measurements of gas composition and flow rates are essential to ensure correct transactions and billings...
Read More Download PDFDescription:Multiple phase project to understand how the physical properties of elastomers will change when introduced to a hydrogen and natural gas blends.
Status: Completing laboratory testing of SBR and NBR materials against varying gas compositions is ongoing.
Benefits: As hydrogen/natural gas blends are being considered as an alternate fuel to be distributed through the existing natural gas infrastructure, whether there is a need to understand the performance of elastomeric materials in the presence of hydrogen. The results of this testing will provide a full understanding of the impact of hydrogen on critical infrastructure components. These results could factor into operational decisions regarding the use of blended hydrogen on existing LNG infrastructure and the push to use that infrastructure toward future decarbonization...
Read More Download PDFDescription: To test and identify limitations and successes in the long-term operation of microbial electromethanogenesis with intermittent electricity supply cycles.
Status: Intermittency testing has concluded successfully - a next phase of work to advance the electrochemistry of the microbial P2G system is being examined.
Benefits: As the natural gas industry is beginning to shift towards decarbonization and investigating the potential of emerging fuels, NYSEARCH is taking the opportunity to investigate an innovative energy storage solution and an unconventional method to create a renewable resource through microbial electromethanogenesis. There is a need and a business opportunity for long-term storage of electrical energy, especially as renewably produced energy becomes more abundant. This innovative microbial power-to-gas platform provides the potential to produce methane that can be upgraded as renewable natural gas (RNG) and injected into existing infrastructure...
Read More Download PDFDescription: A state-of-the-art study (SOTA) and R&D gap analysis based on research and member interactions regarding active R & D projects and future needs with recommendations on addressing the LDC-specific challenges in decarbonization.
Status: The SOTA study and gap analysis are complete with delivery of technical reports in July 2022.
Benefits: Natural gas utilities in North America are actively engaged in multiple strategic and tactical efforts to embrace and implement emerging fuels. The NYSEARCH consortium defined and initiated innovative R&D projects in the past five years to support this path. This study provides detailed technical information on the current state of technologies for producing, upgrading, and interconnecting Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) and Blending Hydrogen into existing natural gas infrastructure. An LDC-focused SOTA and gap analysis specific to distributing hydrogen blends and RNG provides a robust snapshot on the status of R&D today. It also provides a guide in maximizing R&D opportunities for further research to fully prepare for the clean energy transition. NYSEARCH member LDCs represent a vital part in meeting the low carbon energy goals coming from federal and state regulations...
Read More Download PDFDescription: A project to test in live conditions the impacts of higher concentrations of blended H2 on gas piping materials and a wide range of gas engineering aspects and operations
Status: Design specifications, constructions requirements, permits and other contractual documents are being put into place by SoCal Gas, the Living Lab host and project lead. NYSEARCH funders are providing input and materials that influence design selection, test plans and samples for use.
Benefits: By displacing natural gas with blended hydrogen, there is a potential for significant reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGs). Blending as a hydrogen delivery method, can defray the cost of building dedicated hydrogen pipelines or other costly delivery infrastructure especially during early market development. Blended hydrogen has the potential to enhance energy efficiency and resiliency in delivering renewable and non-renewable fuels...
Read More Download PDFDescription:A testing program to provide experimental data on the expected durability and longevity of the CIPL system when used in cast iron (CI) and steel pipes.
Status: The testing for CIPL longevity and durability for up to 100 years is complete. Residual follow-on testing of liner tensile and adhesion properties is expected to be completed in 2022.
Benefits: CIPL technology is a viable pipeline renewal and replacement methodology that provides trenchless rehabilitation for leak prone CI and steel distribu-tion pipes. Also, CIPL serves to significantly reduce methane emissions from aging pipe...
Read More Download PDFDescription: A project to develop and test an antenna and signal processing system using RFID technology to locate coiled PE pipe that has been installed via trenchless operations.
Status: The design tasks are complete. Manufacturing of the tag-laying machine and testing are in progress.
Benefits: The overall objective of the project is to develop and test an antenna and signal processing system using RFID technology to locate PE pipe. The RFID tag will be embedded on coiled PE pipes and is intended for use in all soil conditions. Development was first set to address a 63 mm (2.5”) pipe diameter size due to the challenge associated with small diameters (decreased circumferential surface parallel to the ground)...
Read More Download PDFDescription: A permanent repair technique for damaged, non-leaking PE pipe.
Status: PE pipe sizes of 1 1/4 inch through 12 inch are commercially available.
Benefits: Permanent and safe PE pipe repair methods can avoid cut-outs and potential customer interrup-tions. NYSEARCH’s development of butt fusion repair sleeves (BFRS) and variable length repair sleeves (VLRS) for Medium Density and High Density PE piping, operating within gas distribution pressures of 125 psig, provide repair options for damaged, non-leaking PE pipelines. Repairs are performed in-service without stopping or by-pass of normal operating gas pipelines...
Read More Download PDFDescription: Perform traditional gas pipeline inspections and surveys by incorporating the agility and positioning of sUAS mounted sensors.
Status: Advanced development is ongoing with activities that include advancement of sUAS platforms for real time data collection and conditional assessment.
Benefits: Advantages of using sUAS agility and positioning are recognized when integrating them into tradi-tional gas inspections and survey strategies. Advantages within leak detection, emergency response, right-of-way management, infrastructure assessment, corrosion severity and distribu-tion/transmission integrity management programs (DIMP/TIMP) have been tested and confirmed...
Read More Download PDFDescription: An experimental and numerical study of methane dispersion to help determine the optimal placement of methane detectors in residential settings. This effort will aid the ongoing effort to create a NFPA standard and update UL 1484.
Status: Phase II complete with assessment of impact of mechanical and natural ventilation.
Benefits: As the natural gas industry promotes the use of methane detectors, several issues need to be addressed. Two of these issues are: (a) the proper placement of these detectors in a residence, and (b) the gas concentration at which the detector should alarm. To be able to address these issues, detailed data regarding the dispersion of methane under various conditions and in various layouts is needed. This study will provide us with such data through actual monitoring of different structures...
Read More Download PDFDescription: The purpose of this project is to design and build a low cost, battery powered and wireless remote monitoring system to measure multiple real time parameters in previously unmonitored areas of the PE natural gas distribution network. This data, including alarm events, is made available to existing utility RTU’s via a GasComm® Control Module or transmitted via secure cellular telemetry to the cloud server of choice.
Status: Following specification development, design and development tasks are in progress.
Benefits: The commercialized Enetics GasComm® unit for steel pipes is confirming the ability of this technology to monitor live pipelines in real time. Plastic pipe is the most prominent material used for distribution pipe applications, therefore adapting GasComm® technology for plastic pipe is beneficial to the utilities...
Read More Download PDFDescription: Evaluation of varying Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) compositions on performance of residential appliances.
Status: Appliance testing is complete. NYSEARCH Range™ Plus available on www.nysearch.org
Benefits: The addition of new RNG supplies (from aerobic digestion, power-to-gas etc.) is expected to increase, leading to wider range of gas compositions. This NYSEARCH project is performing a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of varying gas composition on the performance of residential appliances to determine the potential extent of sensitive appliances being affected…
Read More Download PDFDescription: A five-year controlled study to assess impact of processed biomethane on gas distribution infrastructure.
Status: Test material has been installed for the Living Lab at Newtown Creek and alternate site. Commissioning of the biomethane recovery system pending.
Benefits: The planned Newtown Creek wastewater treatment biomethane recovery system offers National Grid and the industry at large a unique opportunity to monitor the immediate and long-term impacts of direct injection of biomethane into a local distribution network via a “living laboratory” environment. The relationship of gas processing technology, monitoring instrumentation and downstream piping system impacts will be explored to help fill long standing industry wide knowledge gaps…
Read More Download PDFDescription: State of the art assessment for identification of a portable siloxane analyzer technology that meets NYSERACH sponsor(s) specification.
Status: Five analyzers identified that are being evaluated in North America.
Benefits: The benefit of this study is to leverage expertise of gas research centers of excellence in Europe by conducting an expansive search for a siloxane measurement tool. The approach will allow us to understand the technical requirements and solu-tions that are necessary to quantify the presence of siloxanes in Renewable Natural Gas (RNG). The program could result in a future solution necessary to qualify a biogas clean-up facility as acceptable…
Read More Download PDFDescription: Practical testing to evaluate effect of Siloxanes on residential appliances’ performance.
Status: Appliance testing produced initial results; additional testing ongoing.
Benefits: This project aims to address the ongoing dialogue on the technical limits of siloxanes in Renewable Natural Gas (RNG). Assessment of siloxane impacts on sensitive natural gas end-use equipment will help to specify technically-sound limits. The largest impediment for translating results obtained from available literature is that a majority of in-use appliances are designed differently from those that have been previously studied. Additional testing will help us reduce the uncertainties by providing scientific data to support siloxane limit recommendations…
Read More Download PDFDescription: The purpose of this project is to design and build a device to measure in real time various gas pipe parameters. This data is wirelessly transmitted to a secure GasComm® RTU/Control Module (GCM).
Status: Following the completion of specifications, design and development tasks are in progress.
Benefits: The commercialized GasComm® unit for steel pipes is confirming the ability of this technology to monitor live pipelines in real time. Plastic pipe is the most prominent material used for distribution pipe applications, therefore adapting the GasComm® technology for plastic pipe is beneficial to the utilities. With a successful operation of the GasComm® unit for both steel and plastic pipes, the product would expand the live gas pipe monitoring technology…
Read More Download PDFDescription: A program to develop a small, portable, sensor with a non-radioactive ionizer to detect and measure mercaptan concentrations at very low levels using gas chromatography (GC) and differential mobility spectroscopy (DMS) technologies.
Status: All sensor components: the non-radioactive ionizer, sorbent trap, power control module, the DMS module, GC, and microcontrollers are currently undergoing integra-tion into a single operating unit.
Benefits: The use of odorants for natural gas detection is considered one of many major public health and safety advancements for the gas distribution industry. Small volumes of certain sulfur com-pounds known as mercaptans are injected into odorless natural gas to make it detectable. Currently, the primary method to detect mercaptans in natural gas is through operator “sniff” tests and costly gas chromatography lab analyses. A new technology to allow the measurement and detection of mercaptan concentrations at the parts per billion level which is the same level as that detectable to the human nose…
Read More Download PDFDescription: An Augmented Reality (AR) training application for the Microsoft HoloLens focused on the building of a new Meter Set Assembly (MSA) in the natural gas distribution sector and help utilities implement Remote Assist strategies.
Status: NYSEARCH is collaborating with an AR training vendor to build and deliver a customized MSA procedural guide for each funder on the Microsoft HoloLens 2.
Benefits: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have swept innovation into various industries in recent years. The technology provides a creative solution to add efficiency in workflow and numer-ous ways to optimize business operations. AR and VR implementation have proven to increase productivity within workforces across industries…
Read More Download PDFDescription: To enhance the Explorer 20/26 series robots when liquid is present in unpiggable live pipelines. This technology will ultimately enhance Explorer’s ability to conduct In-Line Inspections (ILI)when encountering liquids.
Status: Development and testing is underway.
Benefits: The objective of the Explorer 20/26 liquid cleaning project is to understand what is required to increase the liquid capability of the Explorer robot. The Explorer robot is intended, through this project to traverse and scan through liquid in pipelines with natural gas flow. Thus, we are working to further enhance the capable of driving and scanning through large and small amounts of liquids…
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